ILGO 2024 Course concludes with broad participation of women leaders of business associations
The Latin American Institute for the Management of Business Organizations (ILGO) held its 39th edition and for the first time in its history, the majority of participants were women.
- August 29, 2024
- 11:45 am

The ILGO course, organized by the Department of Employers' Activities (Actemp) of the International Labor Organization (ILO), in collaboration with the International Organization of Employers (IOE), was held for the second consecutive year in hybrid mode.
Its on-site phase was held on the campus of INCAE Business School, the program's academic partner, from August 11 to 17, where 44 representatives of Latin American business organizations were trained in the latest management trends to improve their skills and strengthen their position in the organized private sector.
This face-to-face phase complemented the previous online phase, held from 15 to 26 August at the ILO's International Training Centre in Turin, which focused on membership, service development and financial sustainability of business organizations.
The INCAE Business School developed topics such as the challenges of the international context and sustainable development for companies, particularly with respect to the defense and promotion of democracy, as well as modern aspects such as business intelligence and design thinking. In addition, central aspects such as political analysis, negotiation and strategic communication of these organizations were addressed.
Lina Siniestra, manager of the National Association of Entrepreneurs of Colombia (ANDI), Valle del Cauca branch, summarizes the value of these lessons for her work as follows: “A variety of topics that undoubtedly strengthen my abilities to continue contributing to my region with strategy and method as manager of ANDI in Valle del Cauca. I shared with colleagues from Latin America and we exchanged experiences and success stories.
The connection and consolidation of professional contacts among the participants has been one of the main historical attractions of the program, thanks to team building and leadership activities through workshops, case studies in groups, as well as interaction throughout the stay.
Growth in female participation.
Of the 44 people who completed the course, 31 women participated, representing 70% of the total. This is the first time in the history of ILGO that there is more female than male participation, thanks to an effort on the part of Actemp to increase this participation and thus promote greater leadership by women.
shares that this is her second time in the program and that the increase in women's participation was very visible. “I took ILGO 10 years ago and at that time it was mostly men and very few women. That indicates that we are growing and we are getting more and more into leadership positions that we were not able to participate in before.”

The ILGO is held annually and nominations are received at the beginning of the respective year, so its business organizations are invited to apply for the 2025 edition, in celebration of its 40th anniversary.

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