The development of exports to European markets is supported by PROPANAMA.

A teak wood processing plant was inaugurated this year in Chepo.

The new teak processing plant from forest plantations represents an investment of US$3.7 million. Greater domestic added value to our exportable offerings and the creation of decent employment contribute to the economic recovery of the country.


The first teak processing plant (sourced from forest plantations) established in Panama has the capacity to process 1,300 40-foot containers annually for certified premium markets. It also boasts high capacity and precision in the region and is certified in chain-of-custody by FSC® Forest Stewardship Council.


Ecotopia Teak inaugurated the plant on January 28th in the town of Chepo, where national authorities and presidents of export associations such as APEX, SIP, and CoNEP gathered.


Ambassador Carmen Gisela Vergara, General Administrator of the Authority for the Attraction of Investments and the Promotion of Exports (PROPANAMA), stated, "This investment represents a significant innovation for our country, as it enables us to export products with high domestic added value, introducing knowledge and technology transfer to export timber, which must also meet the highest international environmental standards, to open up new market sectors in Europe, Asia, and North America.


"We participated last year with FSC® certified wood producers in the launch of the 'Panama Teak' country brand during Dubai WoodShow 2022, which generated orders for Panamanian participants," emphasized Ambassador Vergara.


concluded by stating that this year, they will also participate alongside Panamanian companies in this trade fair to promote job creation through increased exports and the transfer of knowledge and technology.

Bianca Morán, the administrative manager of Ecotopia Teak, explained that this plant allows them to reach European markets with a stabilized, precisely crafted, high-quality end product, not just raw material, during the inauguration of teak exports in 2023.


The importance of adding value to export products, as Ecotopia Teak does, lies in diversifying the exportable offerings and creating new jobs in rural areas with a high level of training, while also providing well-being to the local populations.


The President of the Panamanian Industrialists Union (SIP), Luis Frauca, emphasized, "We value this effort in innovation and investment, especially the projection of adding value to what is exported rather than in raw form, as it creates greater value for exports and elevates the level of technological advancement in the country."


Likewise, Víctor Pérez, President of the Panamanian Exporters Association (APEX), stated, "It is very gratifying to see how in Panama, we are evolving from exporting raw materials to being able to export certified value-added products, such as processed wood."


Juan Carlos Palacios, the Executive Director of the Sustainable Forestry Management Corporation of Ecuador, stated, "This investment in Panama and for the region is a starting point because this company serves as an example, not only for Central America but also for South America. It is one of the few factories that produces a value-added certified product like wood, reducing our dependence on markets like the Asian market to sell our production."

About us

Panamá Teak is a registered trademark dedicated to the marketing and sale of forest products crafted from 100% FSC® certified tectona grandis teak, naturally grown and commercially cultivated in the Republic of Panama.

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