Bianca Morán Elected as New President of APEX

The Panamanian Association of Exporters (APEX) has elected Bianca Morán as its new president for the 2024 term. 

During the General Assembly of SIP, the members of the new Board of Directors accompanying Morán were chosen.

The association detailed that 40% of the members participated in the vote, showing support for the Vision Exportadora 2024 slate.

The APEX Board of Directors is now composed as follows:

First Vice President: Arturo Siu

Second Vice President: Juan Billingslea

Secretary: Mabel Ríos

Deputy Secretary: Eduardo Music

Treasurer: Pavel Molina

Assistant Treasurer: Cynthia Gonzalez

Vocal I: Giomar Gonzalez

Vocal II: José Javier Dopeso Dopeso

Vocal III: Pedro Escobar

Vocal IV: Enrique Clement

Fiscal: Rosmer Jurado

Outgoing President: Victor Pérez

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Panamá Teak is a registered trademark dedicated to the marketing and sale of forest products crafted from 100% FSC® certified tectona grandis teak, naturally grown and commercially cultivated in the Republic of Panama.

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